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Scopri come ottenere un consulenza medica personalizzata per la scelta e l'uso dei nostri bioregolatori da un medico specialista dell'Istituto di Bioregolazione. La consulenza include traduzione della tua domanda e l'invio di un protocollo personalizzato in lingua italiana.
€35.00 €45.00
Concentratore di energia e attivatore di collagene. Migliora efficacemente la memoria, il metabolismo, protegge il corpo dall'invecchiamento.
€83.00 €101.00
A new generation of antiparasitic drugs Complex preparation based on vegetable raw materials. It has a broad spectrum of antiparasitic activities. Gelmigon is made from herbs. It enhances the body’s resistance and does not cause damage to health.
€20.00 €25.00
Purpose in
during deossification and urolithiasis
in muscle weakness, hyperplasia parathyroid
at numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia.
€47.00 €57.00
Cerluten is a natural peptide complex extracted from the brain tissues of young animals (calves no older than 12 months of age). Such peptides have beneficial effects on the different cells of the nervous system and brain tissues, by regulating their metabolism and functions.
€47.00 €57.00
Catalogo digitale consultabile online e disponibile sempre. Torna a rivederlo quando vuoi.
For the endocrine system (pineal gland)
Complex of peptide fractions of the epiphysis (pineal gland). Peptides, included in ‘Endoluten lingual’, possess selective action to neuroendocrine system cells, normalize metabolism in epiphysis cells and melatonin secretion, regulate hormonal metabolism, have regulatory effect to epiphysis and to all organism in general.
€102.00 €123.00
For the visual system
Complex of polypeptide fractions of the eye tissues. Peptides possess selective action to various eye tissue cells, normalize metabolism.
10 ml
€55.00 €67.00
For the respiratory system
Complex of peptide fractions of the bronchial tubes mucous membrane. Peptides possess selective action to cells of bronchial tubes mucous membrane, normalize metabolism, and increase their functional activity.
€55.00 €67.00
For the vascular system
Peptide fractions complex of the vessels. Peptides possess selective action to various cells of vascular wall, normalize metabolism and regulate functions of vascular system.
€55.00 €67.00
For the digestive system (pancreas)
Complex of peptide fractions of the pancreas. Peptides possess selective action to pancreas cells, normalize metabolism and regulate pancreas functions.
€55.00 €67.00
For the endocrine system (thyroid gland)
Complex of peptide fractions of the thyroid gland. Peptides possess selective action to thyroid glands cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate thyroid gland functions.
€55.00 €67.00
For the central nervous system
Complex of peptide fractions of the brain. Peptides possess selective action to nervous tissue and brain cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate their functions.
€55.00 €67.00
For the central nervous system (brain). Pinealon lingual represents a complex of the short peptides contributing to normalization of functional activity of brain cells. Сardiovascular system / Visual organs / Acoustic organs / Nervous system / Metabolic disorder / Skin diseases / Intoxications
€47.00 €57.00
Nose balms with cleansing and remedial action. Respiratory system.
€44.00 €54.00
Pinalex Tab helps improve visual acuity at age-related changes in the eyes.
€41.00 €50.00
Catalogo cartaceo parte A Cure, A4 verticale, 78 pagine per chi ne ha bisogno uno sulla scrivania. Si trova in Italia e disponibile dal 8 giugno con la spedizione "Italia Economica".
Enzimavir 60 capsule - enzima che degrada la proteina spike e non soloIl prodotto è stato formulato dopo aver letto lo studio sulla degradazione della Spike da parte della proteasi nattokinasi (Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Takashi Tanikawa et al.).
Enzimavir 60 capsule - enzima che degrada la proteina spike e non soloIl prodotto è stato formulato dopo aver letto lo studio sulla degradazione della Spike da parte della proteasi nattokinasi (Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Takashi Tanikawa et al.).
Getrufline is a unique nutritional supplement developed at the Institute of Innovative Biomedical Technologies. The product is available in the form of truffles and is an excellent addition to the prevention and treatment of helminthiasis, as well as bacterial and fungal infections.
€30.00 €37.00
The Patches Detox Detoxifying with bamboo extracts are a great help for a deep all-natural body detoxification, helps the circulation and lymphatic system.
From €10.00
Complesso di frazioni peptidiche della ghiandola tiroidea . I peptidi possiedono un'azione selettiva sulle cellule della ghiandola tiroidea, normalizzano il metabolismo nelle cellule e regolano le funzioni della ghiandola tiroidea.

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale, epifisi
Regola il sistema neuroendocrino
Regola tutti i processi ciclici nel corpo
Sincronizza l'orologio biologico
Regola il sistema riproduttivo
Rallenta processi di menopausa
Aumenta il tasso di fertilità
Previene il cancro, in particolare del sistema riproduttivo (riduce il rischio del cancro fino a 5 volte)
Regola lo stato immunitario e antiossidante
Aumenta l'aspettativa della vita
60 capsule di 200 mg ciascuna


Vladonix 60 - timo, sistema immunitario

Contiene peptidi del timus.
Complex of peptide fractions of the brain. Peptides possess selective action to nervous tissue and brain cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate their functions. Сardiovascular system / Visual organs / Acoustic organs / Nervous system / Metabolic disorder / Skin diseases / Intoxications
Visoluten 60 - ochhi
Contiene peptidi naturali degli occhi.

Stamakort 60 - stomaco

Il complesso peptidico ha un effetto selettivo sulle cellule della mucosa dello stomaco, normalizza il loro metabolismo e la funzione.

Adestab - Healthy blood vessels - long life

The modern way of life, stress and lack of exercise negatively affect the state of the whole organism. One of the important, but the weakest points is the vascular wall. Violations of trophic and its elasticity lead to damage. The consequence is the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and atherosclerosis. The latter, in turn, there is no coronary artery disease and hypertension. A sad statistic in the structure of them and their complications, such as heart attack and stroke belongs to the palm.
€20.00 €25.00
Ventfort contiene i peptidi dell'aorta naturale. Normalizza la funzione dei vasi sanguigni riducendo la loro carenza di peptidi e ripristinando la sintesi proteica all'interno delle loro cellule.
Crystagen represents a complex of short peptides, contributing to normalization of immune system function.
Pinealon 60 brain
SL 02 — contains peptides of brain, eye retina, vascular wall
€35.00 €43.00

Libidon 60 - ghiandola prostatica

Consiliato per:
Sistema neuroendocrino
Sistema riproduttivo maschile.

Il complesso peptidico della prostata di origine naturale. I peptidi estratti hanno un effetto selettivo sui tessuti che normalizzano il metabolismo nelle cellule della prostata.

Nello studio clinico è stata stabilita l'efficacia del prodotto “Libidon” per ripristinare la funzionalità della prostata nel caso di malattie di varie origine, tra cui iperplasia della prostatica benigna, adenoma della prostata, prostatite cronica, e anche nel gruppo degli uomini più anziani per mantenere la funzione del sistema riproduttivo.
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Peptide bioregulation - Frequently Asked Questions 03/11/2022
We continue to answer questions regarding Peptides products, peptide and non-peptide bioregulation of the body, as well as the specifics of the action of peptide drugs. Today we will talk about the m...
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Clinical study of Cerluten

The dietary supplement Cerluten contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5 000 Da, isolated from the brain tissues of young animals - calves aged up to 12 months. Cerlu...

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Clinical study of Endoluten

The dietary supplement Endoluten contains a complex of low-molecular peptides with molecular weight up to 5000 Da, isolated from pineal gland (epiphysis) of young animals - calves aged up to 12 months...

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