Cerluten 20 - sistema nervoso

Cerluten is a natural peptide complex extracted from the brain tissues of young animals (calves no older than 12 months of age). Such peptides have beneficial effects on the different cells of the nervous system and brain tissues, by regulating their metabolism and functions.
Manufacturer: Peptides
SKU: 00053
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The central nervous system is the very first and the most important regulator of the whole body. Different electrical signals and nerve impulses are sent through it to all body cells to make them work properly. Due to adverse ecological factors or emotional stress the nervous system dysfunction appears and causes various pathological states that can lead to serious diseases. That is why it is crucial to maintain the proper function of the central nervous system. 

Cerluten was created exactly for this purpose. It is a natural product that contains short peptides identical to human ones extracted from the brain tissues of young and healthy animals. Its safety is proved by all tests that the World Health Organization requires. 

Cerluten is recommended for people over 35 because their central nervous system functions are affected by a sum of stress factors. Even healthy people often notice especially in the spring, when the tension of all body systems is particularly high, that their memory and attention are becoming less accurate and as a result, their life quality decreases. In these cases it is recommended to take a one month course of Cerluten twice a year. It is also highly efficient if used in addition to conventional therapy to treat all brain diseases and dysfunctions: consequences of apoplectic stroke, craniocerebral injury, encephalopathy caused by ischemic аtherosclerosis etc. 

Cerluten  showed its capacity to considerably improve the state of the central nervous system and the effectiveness of conventional therapy. It can be recommended for young people under high stress as well as for elderly suffering from different diseases. It is advised to take a one month treatment twice a year in order to maintain the health of your central nervous system.
  • Atherosclerosis
  • After-care for stroke patients
  • Memory loss and lack of concentration
  • Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Depression
  • Neuralgia and Peripheral neuropathy

 Form release: 20 capsules of 0,2 g



Adults: from 1 to 2 capsules, once or twice a day during food intake. Duration-1 month.



Peptide complex A-5 (peptides from the brain tissue). Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), beetroot sugar, lactose, starch, Tween-80.

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