Complex of peptide fractions, acquired from kidney parenchyma of natural origin.
Manufacturer: Peptides
SKU: 00066
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Complex of peptide fractions, acquired from kidneys of young animals. Discharged peptides possess selective action to kidney tissue cells, normalize metabolism.

The efficiency of 'Pielotax' medicine was defined at clinical studying. It is effective for complex restoration of kidneys function at nephropathies of various genesis, for optimization of urinary system function, at influence of external environment extreme factors, malnutrition and also at aging.

  • urolithiasis,
  • nephroptosis,
  • anomalies of urinary tract,
  • chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis,
  • renal insufficiency,
  • nephropathies of various genesis, including diabetic nephropathy.

(Per 1 capsule): peptide complex A-9 (peptides of kidney), microcrystalline cellulose (E460, the flowing agent), gelatin (encapsulating agent), sugar beet (binding filler), lactose (excipient-humectant), starch (stabilizer), tween-80 (emulsifier), titanium dioxide (E171, coloring agent for capsules).

The daily dose contains: (2 capsules), 20 mg of A-9 peptide complex.

How to apply:

Adults 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day, with meal. Course duration - 1 month. 

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