Sigumir 20 - cartilage and bone tissue

Cartilage and bone tissue peptides. Peptides have a selective action on various cells of bone and cartilaginous tissues, normalize their metabolism and regulate the function of joints and spine.
Manufacturer: Peptides
SKU: 00047
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The efficiency of “Sigumir” was confirmed during clinical studies. It is effective for the complex recovery of musculoskeletal system functions after diseases of various genesis. These include pathological states leading to the disruption of cartilaginous and bone tissue functions, influence of extreme environmental factors, malnutrition and aging.


  • In case of arthroses and arthritis;
  • In case of rheumatism;
  • In case of osteochondrosis;
  • In case of osteoporosis;
  • In case of gout.


Peptide complex A-4 (Cartilage and bone tissue peptides), microcrystalline cellulose (E460, the flowing agent), gelatin (encapsulating agent), lactose (excipient-humectant), calcium stearate (E470, emulsifier).


Adults should take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day, with meals. Course duration - 1 month.

20 capsules of 0,215 g. 
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