Pinealon 60 brain
Manufacturer: Peptides
SKU: 00082
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Pinealon is a dietary supplement with а synthesized brain peptide. It normalizes the function of the brain by reducing its peptide deficiency and restoring protein synthesis inside its cells. 

Pinealon is recommended for everyone whose brain may be compromised, especially elderly people and those with poor memory, attention difficulties, brain injury, stroke, brain surgery, high stress, chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability or diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia, neuritis, encephalopathy and demyelinating disease. It also helpful for people whose professional activity requires full attention.

Pinealon can be easily combined with other supplements and medicines and should be used in addition to conventional medical treatments. 

Ingredients: peptide AC-5 (arginine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid). Inactive ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, lactose, calcium stearate, titanium dioxide, yellow quinolone, yellow sunset.

Directions: 1–2 capsules one to two times daily, 30 minutes before meals. Duration: 1 month. Repeat every 4–6 months.

Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Product format 60 caps
Contains peptides Yes
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